Saturday, December 31, 2011

Big Slough Creek New Years Eve 2011

The Creek has been very dry this year.  See Photos of the creek on opening day, 15 Oct 11. Today it was 65°F and very pleasant.  A little water is trickling through the creek now, enough that stocking can take place in each of the deep holes.  Fish in the usual places, but bear in mind that it very challenging to fish clear, low, still waters.  The fish see you, and they get a really unhurried look at your lure.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

December down time

I usually fish 6 days per week in the sun, rain, wind, snow, sleet, hail, blizzard, or 110 degrees in the shade, even if I have to break the ice to get a line in the water.

But this December I have discovered what will keep me out of the water:  I caught a cold.  Of course, I have to keep up, so I joined another fishing club that sends me books and links, and also I write lots of fishing songs 36 on YouTube so far.  Today I created pages in this blog for each fishing video that I have created since arriving in Wichita 1 August 2011, when it was 110 degrees in the shade.

I did have good success fishing in warm weather.  The catsfish are very aggressive when it is very warm.

My best trout fishing day is documented in this blog as "Fall Fly Fishing in Wichita".  The video shows the fish jumping as the pursue the emerging midges.

Lots more songs and videos to come.

In the meantime: Merry Christmas:

Netcasting in Kansas

I have seen a number of fishermen casting for baitfish in the Wichita lakes.  Here is one example.

Fall Fly Fishing in Wichita

A Rod and a Staff They Comfort Me

The Rules of Fishing

Bllue River Rainbow Trout

Rain, Rain Rain, Go Away

Born for the Mountains

My Father Loves Me

Get Me Out of My Seatbelt, I Wanna Go Home

Pescadores de Balsa

Balsa raft ocean fishing in Ecuador

Channel Cat Blues (instrumental music)

Make the Last Cast and Go Home

110 in the Shade: fishing during the Kansas heat wave

Monday, August 29, 2011

August fishing in Wichita

The only place I have fished in August is North Chisolm Park.  I have caught bass, crappie, bluegill, and plenty of nice sized channel and bullhead catfish, mostly on worms ( and lures ) that are moving in the water.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I am still in Ecuador, wishing you Kansans would come fish in the high Andes mountains with me for Rainbow and Brown trout.  Here are fotos:

Martha Encalada sings Dr. Howard's song to Doña Nelly

More Fotos

Restaurant la Trucha fotos