Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December Slough Big Trout

Hey Roy here are the pictures I owe ya. 

During the crappy weather last week this nice trout was caught. It is 17" and was caught at the Slough of course just north of the Bait Shop Hole. I tried and tried to revive it and I had to keep it since it would just float off.  Anyway I would have normally released it. I did have it for dinner.

How I cook em.

I use garlic butter and lemon in the cavity, lightly wipe it down with some oil. Wrap in aluminum foil, several times. Warm up the grill (I use propane) place on the rack close the lid, Cook for 10 minutes a side or longer if a thick trout. 

With fork in hand, enjoy. My two cents, small trout taste better!

The last pic is Charles Engles with a bent rod!!

Patrick Humphress

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