Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rescue on the Creek

Charles is rescuing lost lines and lures at the end of the day's fishing.  This hole yielded dozens of fish today, nearly all returned immediately to the water. Many of the dedicated fly fishers not only catch and release, but do clean up and other improvements every time on the water.  This is a wonderful place, with friendly faces every day.

Some hit so hard, that they had to be transferred to the frying pan, as the hook was too deep.

Even fishers who just started two weeks ago learning to fly fish, did well today.  They were hitting on bright flies, whether big or small, midge or wooly bugger.  Many of the fish were good jumpers, exciting to play.

We also saw a spin caster with a gold spinner catching them on every cast.  Many are like him, unaware or uncaring of the rules.  At least he was turning them back.

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